Nowhere Station
Escape game 14+

Nowhere Station

1 - 8 people60 minutesSherlock level
Wake up in an abandoned train station after a flash of light, and uncover why you're there. There's a wrecked car, a chilling thud, and a stuck countdown — and someone's life may depend on your actions.
Large companyProfi

Sherlock level
Not scary
Without actorsActors
EnglishGame language
About the escape room

While doing your normal daily routine of walking through the woods at 3am, you suddenly see a bright flash of light in the sky and everything goes dark. The next thing you remember is waking up at what looks to be an abandoned train station in middle of nowhere. How did I get here? Why is there a countdown for the next train arrival? This couldn’t possibly be an active station, could it? Upon further inspection, you see that there is a crashed car sitting in the middle of the tracks. As you get closer to inspect it, you hear a faint thud that came from the backseat. Hello, is someone there? Maybe they have an answer to why you are here. You best hurry up though, because there may be a train on it’s way and their life might now be in your hands.



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